Partner Case Studies

Partner Case Studies

Gifts-in-Kind: Donate Products and Services

Expansive digital partnership and presence

Since early 2018, FYIN has supported Room to Read with donated labor to build, upgrade, and maintain our website as a certified Umbraco Gold Partner. With this support, Room to Read's expansive website is able to securely host and celebrate critical digital functions in service of our mission around the world.

How laptops are improving life skills

Lenovo supports Room to Read through the donation of hundreds of laptops to Room to Read staff and mentors in our Girls’ Education Program in Asia. Access to these laptops has increased productivity and collaboration amongst Room to Read teams globally. Specifically, use of the laptops in the Girls’ Education Program has improved the efficiency of life skills workshops and mentoring sessions.

1.5 million books donated... and counting

Scholastic has been an integral part of the Room to Read family for over 15 years. Scholastic has donated over 1.5 million new children's books to Room to Read libraries around the world. This has provided millions of children with access to quality reading materials, and will benefit even more children in years to come.

Meaningful connections

Qnary was built on the idea that everybody has an online presence — and that it matters. Since 2024, Qnary has supported Room to Read’s social media content strategy and digital leadership platforms. 

Partnership Inquiry Form

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