Kimberly Vandenberg, Olympic bronze medalist, writer, swim teacher and motivational speaker is getting active for education. Kimberly has set a personal fundraising goal of US$15,000 to support 50 girls to complete secondary school and develop key life skills through Room to Read’s Girls’ Education Program. “My swimming career has taught me self-discipline, perseverance, goal-setting, teamwork, and so many other important life lessons that I have learned throughout my Olympic journey," said Vandenberg. "Room to Read is equipping a generation of young women with these life skills so that they too can become champions in their own lives and their own communities.” Kimberly and Room to Read are taking action to reach thousands of low-income communities around the world, and we want you to join us. Start your own fundraiser for Room to Read today. Set a personal challenge for yourself and rally your friends and family to help you reach your goal and support a great cause. Your personal goal can be anything you want — train for a half marathon, learn to play an instrument, or explore a new hike each week–the options are endless. Join Kimberly and Room to Read today and get active for education. Do something good for yourself and great for the world.