Community Resource Hub

Community Resource Hub

Welcome to the Community Resource Hub! We’re so glad you’re here. This site is your one-stop spot for all things volunteering with Room to Read. It’s our hope that these resources support you and save you time as you serve. Bookmark this page and get to know it. If you find that there is a resource that would be helpful but does not exist, please let us know at

Raise money throughout your community on behalf of Room to Read! 

When communicating with people about donating to Room to Read, the following price points may be referenced for an illustration of what their giving makes possible:

  • US$50 ($5/month) can unlock the science and magic of reading for a child for a year. 
  • US$120 ($10/month) can stock a shelf with new children's books for eager young readers. 
  • US$365 ($30/month; $1/day) can support a girl through an entire year of secondary school with one-on-one mentoring and life skills classes. 
  • US$1,000 can provide a whole year of training and coaching for a teacher or librarian.  
  • US$1,500 can fill a school library with thousands of quality children’s books. 

Remember, these numbers are just examples to illustrate the impact of a financial gift. As always, we strongly encourage donors to support unrestricted giving as this will help children in historically under-resourced communities develop literacy skills and a habit of reading, and support girls as they build skills to succeed in school and negotiate key life decisions.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer fundraising is when individuals organize personal campaigns to collect donations from their peers.

Hosting your fundraising campaign is easy with our platform, Engaging Networks. It is our chosen vendor and our systems are synced with theirs to provide a great experience for our fundraisers, supporters and donors - and best of all, it helps us stick to our core priority of efficiency.

With an Engaging Networks Page, you can organize and streamline your fundraising efforts by sharing a link with your network, family, friends, and neighbors to raise funds that go directly to Room to Read. Through the platform, you can also track your fundraising efforts and send email prompts or thank you notes.

The resources below are for creating and maintaining your peer-to-peer fundraising page.

Please note: If you are a volunteer in India, please use for your fundraising page. 

Engaging Networks supports all currencies in Room to Read fundraising markets. Each currency has its own landing page. Please use your corresponding currency link below to login to your existing account or to sign up for a new account. We recommend that you bookmark your link for future use:

Australia (AUD) | Canada (CAD) | Swiss Franc (CHF) | Euro (EUR) | Pound (GBP)US Dollar (USD) 

Please note: If you are a volunteer in India, please use ImpactGuru for your fundraising page. 

Our team has created tutorials for key aspects of signing up, logging in, and managing your fundraising page(s).


Getting Started Video Training  

Dashboard Overview Video Training

Why should I use Engaging Networks? 
Engaging Networks is the best and easiest way to collect donations that go directly to Room to Read without any service percentage taken, and it will ensure credit to your fundraising efforts. 

What should I do if Engaging Networks does not accept my local currency? 
Engaging Networks can accept donations in AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, and USD. If your local currency is not listed then we recommend reviewing our Ways to Give page. You can pick your country from the menu at the bottom of the "Ways to Give" page to learn about other giving opportunities specific to your geography. If you can't find the information you're looking for, please email us at

How do I share my fundraising page?
The easiest way to share your page is to copy the webpage URL and share the link to it. You can also use the email feature in Engaging Networks (see our Dashboard Overview Training) to send direct emails with a link to your page. 

How should I use this fundraising page?
We encourage you to share the link to your page on your social media sites, email signatures, any solicitations you make, and to collect donations at events. Of course, we know that not all donations will be made online, so please let us know if you have donations that come in through other methods of payment. 


Corporations play a vital role in supporting Room to Read. They often have the capacity for significant contributions and employees enthusiastic about backing our cause.  Here are some helpful tips if you would like to reach out to corporations. 

When you're engaging with companies: 

  • Check our Top Funders List first: Take a look at our Top Funders list. If the company is already there, that's great! No need to approach them. However, if you have a personal connection within a supporting company, do let us know at
  • Before contacting a company:
    • For donations under USD$25,000: When considering companies for this size of donation, it is vital to ensure their alignment with Room to Read's mission before reaching out directly.
    • Potential donations over USD$25,000: For larger donations or long-term commitments, please contact us at to discuss possibilities.

Please note: If you are a volunteer in India, please email before approaching corporate partners. 

Donor Resources

Because we care about the privacy of our donors, Room to Read abides by several data protection requirements. You can find out more in Room to Read's Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

It is critical that Room to Read and all its volunteers adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted by the European Commission. If you are a volunteer residing in the EU or UK and need to collect the personal information of donors or fellow volunteers (name, email address, etc.) for your fundraising efforts, please contact us for more information so you can honor these regulations.

Room to Read can accept donations in the following currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GPR, HKD, and USD. 

We have business offices worldwide that accept offline donations in the currencies listed. Donations made to Room to Read are tax-efficient to the extent your country's local laws allow.

For one-time gifts, direct interested parties to your fundraising page on Engaging Networks. This is the best way for you to know that they gave and thank them for their support.

For monthly gifts, direct interested parties to our "Donation Page". Check out our "Ways to Give" page for instructions on other methods such as stock or wire, employer matching, legacy, and cryptocurrency options. You can also pick your country from the menu at the bottom of the "Ways to Give" page to learn about other giving opportunities specific to your geography.

Donation Page     Ways to Give

Access our Annual Reports, Audited Financials, 990s, W9s, and more via our Financials link and W9 PDF below.

Financials     W9

Find your local office in the event that you need to mail donations to Room to Read.

Office Locations

Through your service, you are a part of equipping students around the world to change their futures. As you share in your local community about Room to Read, you’re expanding the network of supporters who believe that we can create a world free from illiteracy and gender inequality.