Pushkar Shrestha

Dr. Geetha Murali is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Room to Read, an organization focused on children's literacy & girls' education.
Country Director, Nepal
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Pushkar is the country director of Room to Read in Nepal. Room to Read envisions a world in which all children can pursue a quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and contribute to their communities and the world. 

Pushkar comes to Room to Read with more than 20  years of leadership experience in the non-profit and for-profit sector. He has worked in a broad range of sectors including education, urban development, health, water, sanitation, and tourism. Between 2006 – 2012, Pushkar worked as the Room to Read Nepal Program Director, and then the Nepal Country Director. Both with Room to Read and other organizations, he has successfully led strategic growth initiatives, developing strategies to increase organizational impact, revenue streams and influence. 

Before joining Room to Read, Pushkar was the Executive Director at the Centre for Integrated Urban Development, an urban development NGO. In this role, he designed and implemented partnerships with government and development partners such as the European Union, UNHABITAT, UNDP, and UNICEF. In the for-profit sector, Pushkar successfully created a prototype of a sustainable business model for responsible tourism in Nepal. In almost two decades of work, Pushkar has built strategic partnerships with the Nepal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Tourism and private sectors. 

He holds a bachelor’s degree in bio-resources engineering from Montana State University, and a master’s in Business Administration from Kathmandu University, Nepal with specialization in Human Resource Management. 

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