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Making room for education champions

Room to Read Laos engages parents in girls' education | November 06, 2023

Skill building Laos

Girls’ experiences within classrooms are often just as important as those outside of classrooms. Social norms, expectations and challenges can significantly affect a girl’s ability to stay in school.

That’s why
Room to Read Laos recently conducted a parent and caregiver workshop with the parents of nearly 370 Girls' Education Program participants. Held during the school break between June and September, the workshop aimed to deepen parents' understanding of the importance of girls' education and nurture a community of education champions for girls. Teachers and school administrators led discussions on issues of gender equality and offered families team-based activities that demonstrated how parents can effectively support girls in their ongoing learning.

After the workshop, many parents expressed that they had a deeper understanding of what their daughters may be experiencing in their day-to-day lives. Some reflected that they were able to approach challenging conversations with their children with more gender awareness, enhanced emotional regulation and greater sensitivity to their children’s feelings and experiences. 

Explore photos from the workshop, below! 



With your support, Room to Read is making room for communities to become education champions for girls. 

Learn more about our work in Laos.